The “Sustainability Literacy Test”

“Sustainability Literacy”, or knowledge about sustainability, is all about the know-how, skills and abilities helping a person to work towards constructing a sustainable future and to take enlightened and well-founded decisions in this sense.
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The first international tool for testing sustainability knowledge.
The Sulitest was originally designed as a free tool for all students in higher education, whatever their field of study, level of teaching or country of origin. However, the tool has now gained international recognition as a way for everyone to measure and improve their basic knowledge of sustainability. It thus relates to the skills and mentality needed to take enlightened and well-founded decisions with a view to building a sustainable future.

Sulitest, a multiple-choice questionnaire
The Sulitest is a multiple-choice online questionnaire. The test’s international section is made up of 30 questions taken from a large database full of questions. The questions posed at a global level are generally combined with a series of 20 “national” questions, reflecting the more regional dimensions of sustainability. This combination of questions allows organisations and individuals to position their level of knowledge at different levels, from local to global.

The Sulitest, a learning and assessment tool
Sulitest now offers a “learning” mode, allowing users, once they have answered a question, to be shown the right answer. They also receive sources and links allowing them to deepen their knowledge. The test is also available in an “exam” mode, allowing individuals to take the test in a specified timeframe and to gain a “certificate” for use in validating a course or highlighting knowledge on a professional résumé or CV.
The test may also be used by organisations and institutions as a diagnostic tool to monitor progress or successful learning with regard to sustainability, with a view to helping them to design and assess their teaching and training programmes.

The Sulitest, internationally recognised and collectively developed
The idea for was born at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 (the Rio +20 conference) following the observation that many political and economic leaders may not have the basic knowledge needed to make sustainable decisions.
Initiated by a French business school, Sulitest was piloted in 2014 by an independent eponymous non-profit organisation and is supported by more than 50 institutions and international networks.
>> For more information


The deployement of Sulitest in Belgium

What role does the Foundation for Future Generations (FFG) play in the deployment of Sulitest in Belgium?
FFG is mandated by, as Belgian RNEC (Regional and National Expert Committee), to help promote and diffuse the test in Belgium. RNECs are playing a critical role in the development of the test across the planet.  They coordinate the development of the test in their region and offer a tool adapted to the local context by delivering Sulitest questions that reflect specificities of their region. These specific questions  are complementary to the international questions that are identical for all users through the world.

How are Sulitest questions for Belgium developed ?
The Foundation for Future Generation is mandated by to establish a Sulitest Expert Committee for Belgium to elaborate a first set of specific questions for Belgium. This Expert Committee is composed by experts from various parts of the country who have already worked on sustainable development issues which are specific to the country. They are guided by a Core Group established within the Committee.

Sulitest in practice

How much time do you need to take the Sulitest?
The maximum duration for the international test is two hours when working in “learning” mode and one hour when in “exam” mode. If the session is held by a university or company, the examiners are the ones setting the session’s duration. Certain examiners prefer to request all candidates to take the test at the same time, while other prefer giving them the opportunity to complete the test individually whenever they want within the following two weeks.

How do I go about taking the Sulitest?
Pending the inclusion of the specific Belgian questions, you can already answer the international questions. Starting as of 23 October 2018, the Belgian section will be available.

(1) Register your organisation directly via the platform (free of charge for schools and universities);
(2) Designate the examiners, who will receive a code allowing them to access the platform;
(3) The examiners will then configure their Sulitest sessions (date, duration, etc.). At this stage, they will be able to choose the set of Belgian questions in addition to the mandatory international set;
(4) A new access code is then sent to all named candidates to take the test;
(5) Once they have received their access code, participants can register and take the test. They will receive a feedback on their answers once they have finished.
For more details

For all questions associated with the use of Sulitest:
Louise Stokart, HERA project assistant
Foundation for Future Generations
0032 2 888 84 24

For all questions associated with the development of the Belgian questions:
Marjan Van de maele, Head of HERA
Foundation for Future Generations
0032 2 880 88 68
