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The Belgian SULITEST Expert Committee

The Expert Committee is appointed by the FFG to elaborate at least 20 Sulitest questions that reflect Belgian specific sustainability challenges and trends (e.g. related to social, environmental and economic situations, local regulations and laws, culture and practices...). The global composition of the Expert Committee reflects a variety of university disciplines and professional backgrounds in Belgium that is coherent with the need to reflect the diversity of sustainable development processes and goals. The Committee is guided by the Core Group established within it. Nadine Gouzée, Chair of the Belgian Sulitest Expert Committee, conducts the implementation of its mission within and outside the Committee, including in its Core group. The Secretariat of the Committee is ensured by Marjan Van de maele, Head of HERA at FFG.

The Expert Committee as a whole acts as a sounding board with respect to the work of a Core group established within the Committee. The Core Group drafts the first set of questions related to sustainable development in Belgium. They are peer-reviewed by the Expert Committee, who provides verified and sourced feedbacks from a double perspective: scientifically sound content and usability. The Core group analyzes the feedbacks provided by the Expert Committee on the questions, and finalizes these elements.

The members of the Expert Committee beyond the Core Group are: Robby Berloznik, Brent Bleys, Catherine Bouland, Paul-Marie Boulanger, Carlos Desmet, Guy Ethier, Marc Labie, Cathy Macharis, Deirdre Maes, Bernard Mazijn, Delphine Misonne, Lars Moratis, Leida Rijnhout, Coline Ruwet, Céline Tellier, Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele and Han Verschure. The Core Group of the Expert Committee is limited to 6 Belgian experts acting in a purely personal and voluntary basis, while having a substantial experience on sustainable development issues specific to the country: Filip Colson, Pieter Dresselaers, Nadine Gouzée (Chair), Jean Hugé, Sybille Mertens and Natacha Zuinen.